10 years with Ingwe


The thunderous clatter of an MI17 Attack Helicopter (Hind) turned heads skyward, the spectacle of its landing a fitting symbol in celebration of engineering and the 10th year of one of Denel Dynamics’ best known missile systems, the Ingwe anti-tank missile.

Denel’s role as a leading contributor to the high-technology industrial development of South Africa is widely acknowledged in government circles.

The guided weapons capabilities in Denel Dynamics are unique for a developing country and directly support government’s vision:

* to supply strategic defence capabilities to South Africa’s armed forces; and
* to act as a catalyst for advanced manufacturing in the broader economy.

Gen C Gildenhuys, GOC SA Armour Formation, presented a tribute to ZT3 in the SANDF to industry guests.  Wollie Wolmarans (Manager Weapon Systems ARMSCOR) presented a historic account of ZT3 and Ingwe in the theatre of operation, while well-respected military analyst, Helmoed Heitman, delivered an insightful perspective of the future battle-space and requirement for Ingwe.

Senior dignitaries, Lt Gen Rinus van Rensburg, Chief Corporate Staff and Mr Antonie Visser, Chief Material Procurement (Acting Secretary of Defence) attended the tribute.