Tag: South African Maritime Safety Authority
SAMSA reports a growing number of incidents at sea as maritime...
South Africa’s Parliamentary Portfolio Committee on Transport has expressed satisfaction with the work of the South African Maritime Safety Authority (SAMSA), even though maritime...
SA trials satellite-based marine vessel tracking
The South African Maritime Safety Authority (SAMSA) has completed a small vessel tracking trial using Advanced Class B Satellite-Enabled AIS (ABSEA) technology.
Crew training that maximises vessel operation
The Nautic Maritime Training Academy has received SAMSA accreditation for a number of their courses relating to Certificates of Competences for skippers.
Offering theoretical and...
Crew training that maximises vessel operation
Offering theoretical and practical training in all aspects of vessel operation and maintenance, the Nautic Maritime Training Academy (NMTA) provides crew training that maximises...
SAMSA exploring acquisition of standby tugs
The South African Maritime Safety Authority (SAMSA) is exploring the possibility of building or leasing two tugs for emergency towing duties.
Maritime cadets set sights on Antarctica
Forty South African sea cadets have set sail for Europe aboard the South African Maritime Safety Authority's (SAMSA's) SA Agulhas training vessel,...