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Tag: Solomzi Mbada

Call for Ministerial inquiry at Armscor

Barely four weeks after an Armscor board meeting cleared its chief executive of wrongdoing, it appears all is not above board at the State-owned...

Armscor CEO retains his position

The man at the helm of government’s defence and security acquisition company will not face sanction of any kind in the wake of newspaper...

Armscor CEO in the firing line

Armscor, whose chief executive is at the centre of a South African newspaper expose regarding fraud and sexual favours, maintains it upholds the “highest...

Armscor CEO maintains AAD “recovery” exhibition exceeded expectations

With what was dubbed the “recovery show” done and dusted, the focus is now on the not-too-distant horizon that is September 2024. That’s when the...

Armscor strategising for sustainability, will not desert the SANDF

Phillip Dexter, who replaced Stanley Motimele as Armscor chair in December last year, reports on three strategies the largely new board of the State-owned...

Armscor Quo Vadis?

Armscor, according to its chief executive, is “fully aware the days of transfer payments are diminishing” with ways and means to generate own revenue...

Armscor chief sees pandemic strengthening the defence industry

Writing in only the second edition this year of the Armscor newsletter “Inside Out” chief executive Solomzi Mbada expresses optimism the South African defence...

Special Defence Account cut means fewer projects for Armscor

Armscor’s core function is the acquisition of defence materiel and related services primarily for the national defence force but this work will be “significantly...

Acting Armscor CEO wants more done with less

The acting Armscor chief executive believes the defence and security acquisition agency has to be innovative in doing more with less. Advocate Solomzi Mbada, who...

Business as usual at Armscor

The absence of a permanent chief executive has – and will not – impact on Armscor with the acting chief executive saying “the business...