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Tag: global warming

Environmental disaster and climate change refugees should be recognised as such

As our planet warms, we’re experiencing more frequent and severe weather events, rising sea levels, prolonged droughts and altered ecosystems. These environmental shifts directly...

Drones finding their place in the environment

Climate change is an irrefutable fact as the globe gets warmer year-on-year. It is therefore crucial to accurately analyse its effects and gather data....

Climate change may hinder aircraft takeoffs in years ahead

Extreme heat over the next several decades will make it more difficult for full planes to get off the ground, requiring airlines...

ISS: Think again – Unstable climates make for unstable politics

El Niño has hit Africa particularly hard this year. The unpredictable weather cycle has been more intense than past iterations, and is...

Short-term climate funds on track, doubts over future

Rich nations are on track to deliver on their promise to supply US$30 billion in short-term climate financing by the end of...

WMO: 2011 one of hottest years on record

The world is getting hotter, with 2011 one of the warmest years on record, and humans are to blame, a report by...

Increasingly erratic climate menaces Africa’s cocoa

The weather may not always have been kind to cocoa farmers in West Africa, but until recently it was at least broadly...

Last chance to save Kyoto deal at climate talks

Almost 200 nations began global climate talks yesterday with time running out to save the Kyoto Protocol aimed at cutting the greenhouse...

Small island states ‘may disappear if no climate deal’

Small island states may disappear under rising seas if an international agreement to tackle climate change is delayed for another decade, an...

EU says climate pact not enough, wants deal by 2015

The world needs a far more ambitious plan to cut emissions of planet-warming greenhouse gases than the Kyoto Protocol, European Union climate...

UN climate boss says Durban talks can deliver

A record rise in global greenhouse emissions and ever tighter economic constraints make it crucial for United Nations climate talks in South...

Congo Republic wants US$2.6 bln to replant forest

Congo Republic said it wanted to raise US$2.6 billion to restock part of the world's second largest forest, as part of its...

55 nations set carbon goals since Copenhagen

Fifty-five nations accounting for almost 80 percent of world greenhouse gas emissions have set national goals for fighting climate change by a...

World’s press urges action on climate change

Humanity faces a profound emergency and unless we combine to take decisive action, climate change will ravage our planet, a joint editorial...