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Tag: FGS Brandenburg

German Navy vessels make port call in Angola

Three German Navy vessels, due to take part in Exercise Good Hope with the South African Navy next month, have berthed in...

EUNavFor flagship leads Operation Atalanta by example

FGS Brandenburg is the second German naval vessel to be assigned flagship duties of Operation Atalanta, the European Union naval force tasked...

Oil spill exercise in Seychelles

During her recent port visit to the Seychelles, the EU Naval Force flagship, FGS Brandenburg conducted an oil spill exercise with units...

Multi-ship replenishment at sea

In the course of counter-piracy operations off the Horn of Africa different nations from different task forces often meet the latest example...

One German naval vessel departs Atalanta, another arrives

With one German naval vessel having just departed the EU Navfor anti-piracy fleet, another is on its way and will take over...