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Tag: Ezemvelo KZN Wildlife

Rhino poaching – two arrests in Kruger and tougher measures coming...

The arrest of two Kruger National Park field rangers in connection with fraud, money laundering and corruption by the SA Police Service (SAPS) specialist...

Limitless applications for drones and conservation

The limits to applying drone technology to nature conservation are literally defined by your imagination, says Ezemvelo KZN Wildlife ecologist Dr Debbie...

KZN coastal protection contract cancelled, could impact on ocean economy

Environmental Affairs Minister Edna Molewa's latest additions to South African marine protected areas (MPAs) will bring ocean protection within the country's exclusive...

KZN conservation agency partners in UAV project to combat rhino poaching

Rhino protection efforts in Ezemvelo KZN Wildlife reserves received vital support this month with the launch of the Air Shepherd UAV (unmanned...