Tag: book review
Book review: The Many Wars I Fought by Emile Wolfaardt
Between 1967 and 1994 the then-South African Defence Force (SADF) conscripted approximately 600,000 men (mostly Caucasian school-leavers) for compulsory military duty, commonly known as...
Striking inside Angola with 32 Battalion
A dry but rich account of time spent with the famous 32 Battalion. Marius Scheepers was a national service signals officer (9C)...
BOOK REVIEW: Assegais, Drums and Dragoons
Well-known military writer Willem Steenkamp's latest book, Assegais, Drums and Dragoons, A Military and Social History of the Cape 1510-1806 is a...
The IF Man
Author Chris Ash asserts Victorian poet Rudyard Kipling wrote his signature poem, If, with Leander Starr Jameson, a man who feared nothing...
Shadow Commander
Shadow Commander follows in the wake of author Mike Guardia's first book, American Guerrilla, reviewed elsewhere on defenceWeb. Researching the former unearthed...
Book review: Operation Dingo
Co-issued with a British publisher, "Operation Dingo" is the first of the "Africa@War" series of which four titles have now been released:...
Book review: Selous Scouts
"Selous Scouts" is the fourth in a new series on African conflict, "Africa@War" and unlike the other three volumes in the series...
Book review: Hitler’s First War
From his earliest day in politics and literally to his last, Adolf Hitler never tired of talking about his experiences as a...
Book review: Hitler’s First War
From his earliest day in politics and literally to his last, Adolf Hitler never tired of talking about his experiences as a...
Book review: SuperFreakonomics
In SuperFreakonomics authors Steven D Levitt and Stephen J Dubner again take an unconventional view of the everyday. Indeed, the book is...
Book review: D-Day, the Battle for Normandy
Anthony Beevor published his D-Day, the Battle for Normandy, in 2009, adding another popular work to an ever-growing literature on the subject....
Book review: The Shadow World
In The Shadow World Andrew Feinstein, assisted by Paul Holden and Barnaby Pace, tries to portray the global defence industry as uniquely...
Book review: Victory among people
To mangle Clausewitz somewhat, the theory of war is simple, but the practice can be very hard. This also applies to counterinsurgency,...
Book review: Anderkant Cuito
As far as I can determine, there is not yet an English translation of Anderkant Cuito – 'n Reisverhaal van die Grensoorlog....
Book review: Counter-strike from the sky
The Rhodesian security forces could muster some 1500 troops on any given day during the 1966-1980 "Bush War", confronting them with an...
Book review: The search for Puma 164
There seems to be no end of excellent titles from the 30 degrees South publishing stable, and The search for Puma...
Book Review: Come back to Portofino
"The general public could not comprehend what their boys had gone through or how the war had changed them," writes author James...
Book review: The utility of force
General Rupert Smith published his "The Utility of Force – The Art of War in the Modern World" to well-deserved acclaim some...
Book Review: The Art of War
Sun Tzu's "The Art of War" is arguably one of two great books written on the topic, the other being Major General...
Book review: Uncle George
The late Carel Birkby was a fine writer and "Uncle George" illustrates well his fine eye and finer humour. Brigadier, then Major...
Book Review: Pathfinder Company
What an excellent book! Well written, well illustrated and humorous, Pathfinder Company tells the story of the short-lived reconnaissance and raiding force...
Book review: Hani – A life too short
"Hani – A life too short" is a sympathetic biography of African National Congress (ANC) and South African Communist Party (SACP) "struggle"...
Book review: In a Bosnian Trench
In a Bosnian Trench is the powerful melancholy autobiography of Bosnian teenager Elvir Kulin, a boy a who stayed home in a...
Book review: A world of trouble
I forget who wrote that events in the Middle East were bloody-minded "spite and malice passing as normalcy", but that would be...
Book review: Defeat into victory
"It was good fun commanding a division in the Iraq desert. It is good fun commanding a division anywhere." - A memorable...
Book review: Warfighting
Impressions can indeed be misleading. Warfighting is a military manual. An US Marine Corps military manual. Yet it is the best, single-volume...