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More than 1 000 people at Twitter had ability to aid...

More than a thousand Twitter employees and contractors as of earlier this year had access to internal tools that could change user account settings...

Arms treaty conference agrees decisions by majority in Mexico

Countries behind a treaty to regulate the international arms trade have agreed future decisions will be made by majority vote, avoiding the...

Arms trade treaty at risk?

Anti-arms trade activists say efforts end the irresponsible and poorly-regulated international arms trade are at risk of failure. Negotiations at the United...

More transparency needed in African arms flows

The lack of transparency in arms flows to sub-Saharan Africa obstructs an informed debate on the proposed arms trade treaty (ATT) and...

Seize the day on an ATT: SIPRI

Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI) says next month's penultimate meeting of the Preparatory Committee (PrepComm) for an Arms Trade Treaty (ATT)...

29 mandatory arms embargoes in place: SIPRI

There were 29 mandatory multilateral arms embargoes in force last year, directed at a total of 16 targets, including governments, non-governmental forces...

Still no consensus on arms trade treaty: SIPRI

More states are showing interest in an arms trade treaty (ATT), although it is less apparent how to agree on the text...