Rogue and incompetent officers weakening stability of the SAPS – Cameron


The Chairperson of the Portfolio Committee on Police, Ian Cameron, has called on senior management within the South African Police Service (SAPS) to cease self-destructive behaviors that could undermine the progress already made in reforming the service into an effective force against crime.

“There has been significant progress in the fight against crime, but concerning senior management appointments and ongoing challenges within the crime intelligence unit threaten to derail these positive efforts. SAPS leadership must decide whether they will contribute to building a better future for South Africa or undermine the country’s progress,” Cameron stated.

After conducting five months of oversight over SAPS and related entities, the committee has identified senior management’s failure to drive necessary reforms as a central issue. This challenge is worsened by the appointment of individuals who are unqualified or unsuitable to lead key strategic interventions needed to combat crime. “While not all senior managers in SAPS are ineffective, the presence of rogue and incompetent officers weakens the stability of the entire organisation,” Cameron added.

Read the full story on ProtectionWeb here.