

Cameroon Armed Forces

1. Order of battle
2. Defence economics
3. State of military forces
4. Threat report
5. External deployments

1. Order of Battle

Total force strength Army: 23 000
Navy: 1 500
Air Force: 1 800
Gendarmerie: 9 000
Total: 35 300
Army (L’Armee de Terre)
Reconnaissance 31: AML-90
6: AMX-10RC
15: Ferret
8: M-8
5: VBL
AIFV 22: LAV-150 Commando (8 with 20 mm cannon, 14 with 90 mm gun)
APC 12: M-3 half track
21: LAV-150 Commando
Self-propelled artillery 18: ATMOS 2000
Towed artillery 5: M-116 75 mm
16: M-101 105 mm
12: Model 1982 130 mm
12: Type 59 (M-46) 130 mm
8: I1 155 mm
4: Soltam 155 mm
Multiple Rocket Launcher 20: BM-21 122 mm
Mortar 16: 81 mm
16: 120 mm Brandt
Anti-armour 24: TOW (Deployed on jeeps)
25: Milan
Recoilless rifle 40: M-40A2 106 mm
13: Type-52 (M-20) 75 mm
Rocket launcher ?: LRAC 89 mm
Air defence gun 16: Type-58 (ZPU-2) 14.5 mm
1:8 Type 63 37 mm
18: GDF-002 35 mm
18: Type-58 37 mm
Structure 4 infantry battalions
1 Rapid Intervention battalion with five detachments and a Delta region detachment (total 6 900 personnel)
1 armoured car battalion
1 artillery battalion
1 anti-aircraft battalion
1 commando battalion
Engineer and supporting units
Presidential Guard
Air Force (Armee de l’Air du Cameroun)
Combat aircraft  5: Impala Mk 1/2 (MB-326K) (Said to be non operational)
Trainer aircraft 4: Alpha Jet
5: CM-170 Majister ?
Transport aircraft 1: CN235
2: C-130H Hercules
1: C-130H-30
1: DHC-4 Caribou
2: PA-23 Aztec
1: B-707 (Passenger)
1: Gulfstream 3 (Passenger)
2: Do-128-2
2: Do-28
2: IAI Arava
1: MA60
Combat helicopter 3: Mi-24 Hind
Transport helicopter 1: AS-365 Dauphin
2: Bell 412
2: SA-313B Alouette 2
1: SA-313 Alouette 2
2: SA-319 Alouette 3
4: SA-342 Gazelle (Equipped with HOT Anti tank missiles)
1: AS-332 Super Puma
3: Bell 206 Jet Ranger
2: Bell 206L-3 Long Ranger
Navy (Marine Nationale Republique)
Patrol/Strike boat (Gun/Missile/OPV/IPV) 2: FRA P-48 (Gun)
6: Rodman 101/46 (Gun)
1: Quartier class (Gun)
3: Boston Whalter patrol boats
1: Bakassi class patrol boat (P48S type)
1: L’Audacieux class missile FAC (P48 type)
1: Alfred Motto class patrol craft
20: Swiftship type river boats
2: Yunnan class landing craft
8: Simoneau
2: Aresa 2400 CPV Defender patroal boats
1: Aresa 2300 landing craft
6: Aresa 750 Commandos RIBs
5: 1200 Stealth RIBs
1: 1200 Defcon RIB
Structure There are major naval bases in douala, Kribi and Limbe.

2. Overview
Minister Delegate at the Presidency in charge of Defence: Alain Mebe Ngo’o
Chief of Joint Chiefs of Staff: General Rene-Claude Meka
Member of: UN, AU, ICAO, IAEA, AfDB
3. Cameroon defence economics
Defence budget percentage per GDP (2000-2010)

2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010
DB% per GDP 1.3 1.3 1.3 1.4 1.4 1.4 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.5 1.6



Defence budget per US$ Mil (2000-2011)

2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011
DB per US$ Mil 228 227 246 264 281 277 301 316 327 331 354 347


Defence budget percentage growth (2000-2008)

2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011
DB% growth -0.4 8.4 7.3 6.4 -1.4 8.7 5.0 3.5  1.2 6.9 -2.0

4. State of military forces

Cameroon’s military is relatively well funded and professional compared to others in the region. Ground forces have been deployed to the Bakassi Peninsula to safeguard against threats from neighbouring Nigeria. As part of its drive to create a military capable of peacekeeping operations, Cameroon has sent personnel to train in Africa and abroad.

Cameroon’s military faces a lack of modern equipment, compounded by an overall drop in military funding over the last decade. The air force in particular suffers from a low serviceability rate, leaving it with few combat capable aircraft.

Cameroon’s navy is optimised for coastal and river patrol, especially in light of rising levels of piracy in the Gulf of Guinea. It has around 40 coastal, inshore and river patrol craft as well as several combat patrol vessels. It is relatively well equipped in order to secure Cameroon’s oil installations and prevent maritime crime.
5. Cameroon threat report

Threat typ Overview
External • Cameroon is currently facing no external military threat.
• Reports have highlighted an increase in Islamic extremist presence in northern Cameroon originating from northern Nigeria.
• Incidence of maritime piracy has dramatically increased over the last 2 years in the Gulf of Guinea.
Internal  • Cameroon is facing no internal security threat.
Regional  • Instability within northern Nigeria and the Central African Republic may affect Cameroons foreign security policy making.
Political • Cameroon is currently facing no internal political instability.
Economic • There is no prominent economic threat to Cameroon.

6. External deployments

Operation Country Personnel/assets
Peace building CAR 280 (Reported, 120 recently)


Minister of Defence



Tel +237 23 2200/23 4055/22 2002/22 1524

Armed Forces HQ
c/o Ministry of Defence

Tel +237 23 3500/23 2200

PO Box 1162



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Fax: +237 22 235971