Elbit to supply mortars to Spanish Army


Elbit Systems has won a contract to supply mortars to the Spanish Army. The project, valued at US$8.5 million, will be implemented over a 12-month period.

The Spanish Army’s decision to equip its forces with mortars provided by Elbit Systems was made after a series of successful tests in both Spain and in Israel.

Elbit Systems will be the lead contractor for the project, which will include the installation of CARDOM autonomous recoil 81mm mortars mounted on the back of VAMTAC 4×4 vehicles produced in Spain by UROVESA and with the participation of local industries.

Bezhalel (Butzi) Machlis, Elbit Systems Land and C4I Division’s General Manager, noted: “We are very proud of the Spanish Army’s decision to acquire our mortars, following advanced armies like the Israel Defense Forces, the U.S. Army and others.” Machlis added: “The selection attests to Elbit Systems’ leadership in the field of advanced mortars and we hope, in light of Spain’s important role in Europe and within NATO, that other armies will also acquire mortars produced by Elbit Systems.”