Bionix boosts 3G networked capability


In this IT in defence World Wide Wrap: Bionix boosts 3G networked capability, Defence Technology Strategy published, Boeing completes software-defined radio, Thales launches Makefast, and Sincgars radio system remains secure.

Bionix boosts 3G networked capability

Singapore Technologies (ST) Engineering has announced that a new variant of its Bionix Infantry Fighting Vehicle was commissioned into service with the Singapore Armed Forces. 

Featuring innovations from ST Electronics and Singapore Technologies Kinetics, its electronics and land systems arms respectively, the BXII is networked with the rest of the fighting forces through a battlefield management system (BMS) and network-centric wireless communications systems.

In support of the Digitised Army/IKC2 programme, this provides an integrated situation awareness picture, collaborative planning tools and knowledge-based command and control (C2) for ground commanders to make responsive decisions and exercise highly effective C2 over operations in a fast-moving battlefield.  With this development, ST Electronics will now integrate the command and control, communication and computerised systems onto other military platforms.

Defence Technology Strategy published

BAE Systems has welcomed the publication of the Defence Technology Strategy (DTS) for the UK. The DTS sets out the areas of research and development the Ministry of Defence views as the most important to the future provision of military capability to the UK`s armed forces.

The minister for defence procurement, Lord Drayson said the strategy would help the ministry and industry plan future investment in research and development and provide long-term support to the UK`s science and technology skill base. He also recognised the need for investment in military technology research and unveiled measures to encourage innovation in key areas by a wide range of organisations.

He added: "It is now vital that we work together to deliver this strategy to ensure the UK maintains a strong research base in the areas identified as critical to our security and sovereignty."

Boeing completes software-defined radio

The Boeing Company`s Family of Advanced Beyond-line-of-sight Terminals programme (FAB-T) has successfully completed the hardware and software integration of a block four software-defined radio (SDR) for the US Air Force B-2 Bomber programme.

The prototype system, delivered to the air force in September, supports B-2-specific advanced extremely high frequency (AEHF) integration efforts. The FAB-T family includes software-defined radios, antennas and associated user interface hardware that will provide the government with a powerful system capable of hosting a multitude of waveforms that accommodate data rates in excess of 300Mbps.

Once operational, FAB-T will provide critical, secure beyond line-of-sight communications capability for warfighters via various satellites that support military forces. "We`re building a networked satellite command and control system that will serve the warfighter in the most difficult situations," said Jim Dodd, Boeing`s Anaheim-based FAB-T program manager. "Block four is a significant step toward delivering that capability."

Thales launches Makefast

Thales launched its Makefast combat engineer application on the international market at the annual AUSA show in Washington DC. Originally developed for the British Army, Makefast provides a set of software tools for the combat engineer to assist him in planning tasks, managing projects, controlling stores and equipment together with the administration of resources.

The role of combat engineers is both complex and demanding. They are expected to carry out a multitude of tasks and operate across a broad spectrum of scenarios, from disaster relief to combat support of front line troops. Modern military field engineers are provided with a wide range of equipment to assist them in these tasks, from complex machinery to basic construction materials.

Sincgars radio system remains secure

US service members can use the single-channel ground and airborne radio system (Sincgars) radio system with confidence, officials with the army`s communications-electronics command at Fort Monmouth, New Jersey, say. James Bowden, project leader for Sincgars, said recent media articles claim that Hezbollah used advanced technology to crack Israeli communications during the fighting in Lebanon.

The articles allege that the group used technology from Iran to thwart Israeli tank attacks, Bowden said, adding that some service members have expressed the fear that Hezbollah or Iran has shared this technology with extremists in Iraq.

But the articles are wrong, Bowden asserted. The Israelis do not use the US Sincgars system, but rather they use another frequency-hopping technology, he said. Frequency hopping means messages switch among dozens of frequencies per second to evade being jammed or intercepted, Bowden said.