Stellenbosch University’s Military Science Faculty has one representative on the 73 person rector’s awards for excellent achievement this academic year.
He is Khodani Tshivhi, a SA Navy (SAN) junior officer, who earned the Bravo Zulu from the university for being the top master’s student technology (maths).
This year’s rector’s awards were made on the “sustainable innovation, pursuing excellence together” theme and acknowledged student excellence in academics, leadership, culture, social impact, sport, and service provision.
Rector and Vice-Chancellor Professor Wim de Villiers congratulated this year’s awardees, saying they are the “innovators we need for the future”. He expressed the hope the recognition would encourage recipients to continue doing meaningful work wherever their future journeys might take them.
“I congratulate you on your hard work and dedication, not only over the past year, but also the tumultuous two pandemic years. You persevered and achieved something quite extraordinary,” De Villiers said.
Having received 124 applications and nominations this year, the rector’s awards ceremony is a key event on the Stellenbosch calendar, Professor Deresh Ramjugernath, Deputy Vice-Chancellor: Learning and Teaching, said. “It’s an opportunity to come together to celebrate the hard work and exceptional achievements of our students. At the same time, we must acknowledge our students’ achievements are facilitated by dedicated staff who create a nurturing environment for students to flourish, thrive and consequently meet their full potential”.
Other sciences represented in the awards were agriculture, arts, economics and management, engineering, law, medicine and health and theology as well as social sciences and sport.