Parliamentary Question: DoT: airport taxes


Mr N J J van R Koornhof (Cope) asked the Minister of Transport:

Whether he has taken cognisance of the proposed hiking of airport taxes; if not, what is the position in this regard; if so, how will the recently-announced higher tariffs at South African international airports compare with tariffs levied at other international airports?


The Minister of Transport:

As Minister of Transport, I have taken due cognisance of the proposed increase in airport charges, and a Task Team was established to review the proposed airport charges as promulgated by the independent regulator. Benchmarking studies have indicated that South African airport charges ranked 42nd out of 50 international airports (as least expensive in terms of the latest available data as at 2009). Even after the recent increases in airport charges, South African airports will still compare favourably to charges levied at other international airports.