No one-size-fits all for conflict prevention: Zuma


President Jacob Zuma says there is no one-size-fits-all solution in conflict prevention diplomacy, but that focus should be on elements that contribute to the prevention of the conflicts.

“These include cultural orientation, local preferences and local expertise in developing strategies aimed at preventive diplomacy,” Zuma told the UN Security Council yesterday. For this to work, Zuma said it was essential that efforts by both the African Union and the numerous sub-regional organisations across the continent working on preventive diplomacy should be respected and supported by the UN and international community as a whole.
“Furthermore, there is an essential need for greater coherence, coordination and interaction between the various UN organs and other international organisations such as the International Financial Institutions,” added Zuma.

African countries have the view that the UN does not give regional organs a chance to broker peaceful solutions when crises erupt. Instead, they feel their efforts are undermined. Zuma called for the UN to support local and national conflict prevention mechanisms. “These efforts can be executed without negating the important principles of national sovereignty, territorial integrity and political independence of states,” he told the gathering.