ECM Technologies launches Chemring Technology Solutions’ new Long Range Initiation System (LORIS) at AAD


ECM Technologies is proud to announce the South African launch of Chemring Technology Solutions’ new LORIS system at AAD.

LORIS (Long Range Radio Initiator System) is a remote explosives initiator system that supports unexploded ordnance (UXO) disposal, demolition, and other military engineering applications.

LORIS delivers substantially increased firing circuit energy output to support the growing global use of safety detonators by UXO specialists, and which Chemring Technology Solutions believes delivers the highest output of any radio initiator system currently available on the market.

To deliver optimum flexibility and minimise remote initiation device (RID) inventory, LORIS can be configured prior to deployment on a mission-by-mission basis. This replaces the traditional, rigid method of RID pre-configuration at point of manufacture. The handheld controller can be paired with up to 10 RIDs, which can be remotely interrogated and selectively fired, and supports both wire output and shock tube RID variants.

LORIS’s highly intuitive user interface optimises the use of icons, with the status of the entire RID fleet visible on a single screen, so that operators do not have to scroll through a complex menu of options. These new innovations significantly reduce the training burden and minimise the effect of language barriers.

With an operating range in excess of 10km, LORIS’s securely coded two-way communication capability prevents inadvertent receiver initiation. A rugged data safety key inhibits transmission of arming and firing commands, until it is inserted in the handheld controller, rendering the system safe and reducing the risk of human error, while energetic materials and remote initiation devices are deployed in the field.

LORIS will, over time, replace the respected Mini-Rabs system currently in service with the SANDF.

Chemring Technology Solutions is exclusively represented in South Africa by ECM Technologies.