Zambia aiming to buy more Bell 412 helicopters


The Zambian military is looking to expand its Bell 412 helicopter fleet and has requested the sale of additional rotorcraft worth $100 million from the United States.

The US Defence Security Cooperation Agency (DSCA) said the State Department on 13 January approved a possible foreign military sale (FMS) of Bell 412 Enhanced Performance (EP) helicopters and logistics/programme support as well as pilot and maintainer training.

The acquisition is to be funded by a combination of Foreign Military Financing and Zambian national funds.

“This proposed sale will support the foreign policy and national security of the United States by helping to improve the security of an important partner that continues to be an important force for political stability and economic progress in South Central Africa,” the DSCA said.

“The proposed sale will improve Zambia’s capability to conduct peacekeeping and regional security, disaster response, and humanitarian aid missions over long distances and in non-standard weather conditions,” the DSCA added, stating that the prime contractor will be Bell Textron.

Zambia’s Air Force already operates Bell 212/412 helicopters, most recently inducting two Bell 412EP helicopters in March 2024: the United States in September 2023 announced an $80 million grant to Zambia for the supply of four Bell 412EPs. The first two (formerly N412HS and N412TH) were built in 1996 and 1997 and most recently owned by Copter Lease of the United States.

The Zambia Air Force has a substantial Bell/Agusta-Bell fleet, having operated many of their types over the decades. In 2021, three Bell/Agusta-Bell 412SP helicopters (AF717, AF718, and AF720) arrived from Italy and South Africa, joining a dozen surviving Agusta-Bell 205s.

In March 2023, then Zambia Air Force Commander, Lieutenant General Colin Barry, said the ZAF had concluded procurement procedures for a medium utility helicopter, which would be delivered in the coming months for troop movement, search and rescue, disaster relief, and other tasks: a second hand Bell 212 was delivered from the United States that June. The aircraft, AF721, was formerly operated by Era Helicopters in Canada and sold via US company Copter Lease LLC. Barry indicated another two helicopters would be subsequently acquired for medical support.

Zambia operates a diverse range of helicopters, including half a dozen Mil Mi-171Sh and Mi-171E troop transport and assault helicopters delivered from Russia between 2015 and 2017.

Zambia’s defence ministry in February 2023 signed a contract for the two Enstrom 480B helicopters for training pilots and personnel – a training package is included in the deal. The helicopters are equipped with cargo hooks and hard points for cameras, as well as Garmin avionics and glass panels. One helicopter is supplied with a full glass cockpit and one with a hybrid glass and analogue panel to provide training with a flight deck similar to the gauge-equipped Mi-17s used as the mainstay of the fleet. The Enstroms were inducted into service in March 2024.