SAAF high on the agenda at Wonderboom Aerospace Indaba


Ahead of the Wonderboom Airshow on 26 October, Wonderboom National Airport was the site of an Aerospace Indaba on 24 October.

Initially billed as a two-day event, with the first day covering Defence Aviation, the second day was intended to cover General Aviation and commercial aviation opportunities. However, the two topics were covered and ran concurrently at separate venues at Wonderboom on Thursday.

The South African Aerospace, Maritime and Defence Industries Association (AMD) stated the event demonstrated the South African Air Force’s (SAAF’s) commitment to advancing aerospace capabilities while engaging industry stakeholders. Further, the SAAF “shared some insights on various challenges they are facing and allowed industry to voice their own views regarding their current relationship with the SAAF and a way forward that will enable, create and develop strong working relationships moving forward.”

Although industry turnout was unexpectedly low, there was strong participation from Safomar Aviation, Denel Aeronautics, Starlite Aviation, Hensoldt South Africa, Incomar, Tau Aerospace, Leonardo South Africa and Century Aerospace.

The opening address was delivered by Major General Elma de Villiers, Chief Director Air Policy and Plans (CDAPP) at the SAAF. de Villiers highlighted the SAAF vision to enable “effective air and space power, through innovation in the theatre of operations.” Five key objectives for the SAAF at the current moment are combat readiness, overall wellness, sustainability, space power and for the SAAF to become the best in its class. The current mission of the SAAF is to, through consistent innovation, “provide deployable, multi-role air and space capabilities in service of our country.”

Three panel discussions took place, chaired by industry expert and programme director James Kerr. Discussions centred on the aviation maintenance organisation (AMO)/maintenance, repair and overhaul (MRO) landscape within the logistics requirement of the SAAF, training and capacity building, and the design and development capability, as well as success stories in South Africa’s military and defence aviation.

SAAF Lieutenant Colonel Vincent Marelele gave a brief on training and capacity building within SAAF Logistics, while Lieutenant Colonel P F de Beer briefed the indaba on design and systems expertise within the SAAF.